So you wanna be a gypsy? Born of the tribes of Rajasthan, Punjab and Gudjarat, the fascinating and misunderstood ROMA people embarked on a long, hard journey through the centuries and across strange new lands. Unparalleled, gifted and adaptable singers, dancers, musicians and entertainers, they were the masters of fusion as they absorbed the best of the music and dance in the countries into which they ventured and blended them with an intangible visceral power of their central soul. Hadia has lived, studied and taught the primary forms of Roman/gypsy dance for many years and is pleased to share with you a taste of Authentic Turkish Roma dance. After getting comfortable with the unique Turkish 9/8 rhythm, we will work with a range of basic steps and foot patterns and finish these off with a fascinating array of gestures and movements that connect this fascinating and visceral dance form to the mysterious history of these strong, proud and vital people.